Bunchline Tub with Metal Support Rack – 410 x 250 x 130mm – VBLT

SIZE (WxLxH): 410 × 250 × 130 mm


A new product to our bunchline range, this deep twin-well tub comes with a metal support rack.

Like our smaller herb and asparagus tub – VHA4 – this tub is designed to hold water and is perfect for holding:
•  living herb pots
•  asparagus (32 x bunches)
•  spring onions (40 x bunches)
•  cut herbs (40 x bunches)
•  broccolini (32 x bunches)

The metal rack sits proud of the tub, giving the bunches of product support to stand upright, ensuring the cut ends always remain in water.
Your fresh herbs will stay fresher longer.